By: Dorothy Pimentel

I started Dorothy’s Petcare because animals have always been my passion. Especially dogs. As a young girl I had two: Jasmine and Bruno. They were my best friends and I adored them. Through spending time and caring for my beloved J&B,I developed a true understanding of dogs and their needs, as well as a deep respect for who they are in our lives and in our world. I had an awakening that being with dogs meant everything to me and so it was natural for me to get into this business.

I started Dorothy’s Petcare in 1996 with the commitment that I would care for other dogs as I cared for my own. My dedicated staff and I are committed to giving the most love and special attention to every dog that comes through our doors.It is our mission that your dog fully enjoys their time with us. I can sincerely state that my business is not a job. It is my life!
